Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Home Sweet Home.

I have returned to The Evergreen State as of 11am yesterday morning. 24 hours later, I am renewed from an entire night's sleep, the joys of which I had not experienced for the last week. I have said goodbye to the amazing 14 people who crowded my parents' Ohio home this weekend for many laughs and tears. I have said goodbye to my family, whom I will not see again for a long time...and I have been refreshed and renewed to greet my kids again.

The time away has allowed for a lot of new vigor and new goal-setting for second semester, and if I look at everything that needs to get done by April, I am a bit overwhelmed...but this morning, as I was laying in my cozy bedroom reading the Word, I prayed, "Lord, may everything that you do through me these next few months be evidence of your greatness working in me."

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