Monday, September 20, 2004


I have just achieved an important Rite of Passage for any Youth Pastor--I have played Halo on X-Box. Saturday night, at a friend's birthday party, one of my YD friends networked three X-Boxes together so twelve us could play Halo, a horribly bloody, gruesome game. I think that in two hours, I died appx. 147 times, but I am now a real Youth Pastor, because I play X-Box. This is important. Legions of young people will now be drawn to Jesus because Heather, that cool blonde girl with Bronco, will play X-Box with them and then teach them about Jesus.

Since playing the game, however, I have felt the need to duck from snipers while walking outside. Overall, I do not think the game has improved my quality of life.


Anonymous said...

Playing on the XBox makes me feel old: there are so many buttons! I remember the days of the Sega Genesis and original Nintendo when we had to deal with only 2-4 buttons. Hahaha... I am old!

- jp

Drewser said...

Atari??? Dang. That IS old.


I think we had an Odyssey or something, which came out about the same time. We had to try and figure out which one would be the one to catch on. We chose...poorly. Of course, we also had a Betamax.

Drewser said...

...hmmmm. We also had a Commodore 64. I'm starting to think we weren't very good at our ability to predict "coolness". Maybe I should get an X-Box.