Thursday, August 31, 2006

Giggling in my office.

I'm sitting in my office reading a marketing book, and I'm giggling outloud. No one else is within 35 feet of me. So, if someone walked by my office and saw me giggling, maybe they would think I was crazy. When they said, "Why are you giggling," and I said, "I'm reading a book about marketing," then they would know I was crazy...

But then I'd read aloud this witty sentence written by Mark Stevens, author of Your marketing sucks: "If you don't have the guts to change the way you've been doing things, open your office window, toss out gobs of thousand-dollar bills, and you'll accomplish the same as you're doing now in much less time." The image of me opening up the window and tossing out thousands of dollars is very, very funny, mostly because it would be very's ridiculous...but it would probably appease those hoodlums who broke into a car in our parking lot a few weeks ago.

I bought the book pretty much because the front page made me giggle in Barnes and Noble. Now I'm giggling at my desk. And I'm learning stuff. So for the time being, we'll assume that a good thing is happening, because I'm having fun and learning at the same time.

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