Thursday, April 13, 2006

Bob's Plague

All week, Stuart and I have been battling these nasty colds, which he has termed the "Bob's Plague." Because...we've both been sick in most of the days that have followed Bob's. My particular strand of "Bob's Plague" began as two days of adrenal exhaustion before fading into a sore throat, raspy voice and violent cough.

And now Bob's Plague is catching on everywhere. Stuart infected his entire family (I greeted a coughing wife and toddler running out of the YD Administrative office this morning.) And--I just got off the phone with Pam, my YD compadre in Oak Harbor, and she has a cold too. When I told one of my supervisors, Paul, that I had the "Bob's Plague," he says it's running rampant.

So. Apparently, you can't have 150 people in close proximity for an entire weekend and run them ragged without 125 of them getting simultaneously sick.

There was a rumor that one of the girls had Mono. Turns out it's only Strep Throat. For now, I recommend clearly avoiding anyone who is wearing a beautiful grey Bob's Island Getaway T-Shirt.

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