Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Sit 'n' Knit...

For a few months now, a few girls and I have gathered together at the home of an Arlington YD volunteer for a lovely knitting group. The product thus far? Lots of lovely (and not so lovely) knitted goods made, lots of brownies consumed, and lots of conversation to be had.

I absolutely love showing up on Monday nights with my knitting bag in hand to teach a new teen girl how to knit and purl, how to cast-on, and how to yell and throw the knitting across the room when it gets frustrating. My favorite moments are certainly when a student shows up, brand new skein in hand, to tackle a bigger and better project...and yet I also love the moments of panic, when a scream will ring out across the living room followed by, "I DROPPED A STITCH!" and several experienced knitters will swoop in to gain control on a hectic and mind-draining situation.

It was in my original plan that this would only be a six-week-long endeavor, but it's going so well, that I think we'll keep moving forward. Last night, we confronted the difficult issue of, "Do we open this group up to our guy friends who want to knit?" We are all about affirmative action in the knitting world, but we also recognize how co-ed knitting will change the tone of the group (as girls suddenly self-consciously wonder, "does he like my new 50/50 wool/acrylic blend?" or "does he think I'm a nerd because I have yet to master a good cable stitch?") We will see.

For now, there are solid relationships and great group dynamics to be had at Monday Night Knitting Group...and if you're around, stop by and we'll make you a nice scarf!


suz said...

hmb, i remain excited about learning at new years! any pointers for my first trip to the yarn section? (i want to pick some out to bring with me, and spied a good sale yesterday!)

Drewser said...

Camel, you crack me up. And yet, your prediction that the presence of young men will bring out even the most minute insecurities is soooo accurate.