Monday, May 16, 2005


This afternoon at school, I helped one of the girls in Mrs. Stone's 4th Period class with a project she was working on for her Government class--a PowerPoint about Ronald Reagan. She was a bit lost, so I gave her some helpful tips on where to start: Reaganomics, relationship with Gorbachev, Iran-Contra, appointing Sandra Day O'Conner...etc...

Her eyes got wide: "How do you know this stuff?"

"Ummm. I went to high school."

This answer did not suffice.

"And I majored in International Studies in college."

Another blank stare.

"And I was third in my class."

A nod--"Oh, so you're saying you like this stuff..."

Apparently there's a rather important link between liking stuff and learning about it--and thus, I apparently think that Reaganomics are more fun than dirt bikes. Who knew.

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