Monday, February 28, 2005

Mom and Dad have come and gone. Yay and Boo. A good time was had by all--600 miles was had put on my Odometer, my fridge is chocked full of leftovers, and mom and dad have successfully been introduced to life in Arlington. They have seen the high school, my church, the skate park, and the espresso stands, and they have met Bronco, Jo, Mark, Cindy, Corrie, Dawn, Greg, Esther, Sam, Adam, Sarah, Nathan, Rona, Jasmine, Ivy, Elly, Bethany, and many, many more of my Arlington and YD friends.

By Day 2 of their visit, I was dead. Not because they were running me ragged, but because after 8 weeks of being gone every single day, I stopped and relaxed. This immediately resulted in wanting to sleep for three days, which did not happen.

The Denouement is in sight though--after March 10th (The Arlington YD Fund Raising Banquet) and April 1-4 (Bob's Island Getaway), things will be relatively 'normal' for awhile, in that I can return to normal weekly student ministry without a big program to plan on the side. Without wishing the next five weeks away--I am very much relishing April 5th with a sigh of relief.


suz said...

nice word. :)

Drewser said...

I had to listen to it several times on in order to know how to say it...but what a great word. Kudos to Camel.