Tuesday, November 02, 2004

"Worship is what we are--

living, breathing, walking arrows that are always pointing to Christ." --Jason Morant.

There's this poster hanging on the wall in my office with this quote on it from Christian musician Jason Morant...and I read it everyday wondering if I'm an arrow pointing to Christ.

Last night, the Monday night girls and I discussed worship again, and I was amazed to see two of the girls return with pages and pages filled in their worship journals with photos, candy wrappers, journal entries, and sketches! It was great.

We meditated on Psalm 95 while listening to Barber's Adagio, and I read a passage about the Incarnation from Madeleine L'Engle's Bright Evening Star. At the end, the girls said "Awesome." It was my fervent prayer that last night could be a time where we could draw together in the presence of God, and we really did. And the best part--is that the girls understand that it's not limited to my living room or Monday nights...they are beginning to understand they can meet God anytime and anywhere...and that's so encouraging.


suz said...

hey, i just saw jason morant in concert this past weekend! (he was in town with bebo.) i had never heard of him but was so impressed i bought his disk. good stuff!

hmb said...

suz! i um, have heard of jason morant because as a youth pastor, i get a big box full of cd's and posters every quarter from christian singers i've never heard of...and....um....i liked the quote on jason's poster, so i hung it on my wall. (if you ever meet him, please don't tell him that i cut his picture off the poster and just kept the quote.) i'm glad to know he's a good musician though. makes me feel affirmed for liking his quote.