Friday, February 23, 2007

High's and Low's

Here's this week's High's and Low's...


  • Making friends via Over the Rhine's Forum page, and thus acquiring some Trent Wagler bootlegs. (He opened the show for Over the Rhine when I saw them live in Dayton, OH in November.)

  • Finishing a final draft of an essay for an anthology put together by my friend Hannah called Growing Up Churched.

  • Getting my tickets in the mail to see Patty Griffin live at The Moore in Seattle next month.

  • Eating Ben and Jerry's.

  • My new weekly phone date with Renee, in which we determined that if I were a paint, I would be a bold orange, and if I were to date any superhero, I would date Spiderman.

  • My weekly phone date with Clay in which we read Chapter One of Soul Survivor and discussed our most influential spiritual mentors.

  • Being woken up at 11:37pm last night by a phone call from Sean in China. The first words he spoke were, "What time is it there? It's 3:30pm here." Then he boasted about how he knows more than I do, because he lives in the future. I pointed out that compared to him, I live permanently 4 1/2 years in the future.

  • Arrested Development, Season One. My favorite part thus far is Tobias crying out, "There's dozens of us out there! Dozens!"

  • Realizing the previously defunct Western Airlines is planning on getting up-and-running again in the near future and will be offering $59 one-way tickets to Phoenix. PTL!

  • Only having three girls in Junior High girls at Youth Group on Wednesday. We could actually talk.

  • The horrors of something called "Caffeine Withdrawel." It's pretty much the worst headache I've ever experienced. So much so, that after 48 hours of being caffeine-free, I assuaged my wearied brain with a Diet Coke. I now know what it's like to be an addict.

  • Realizing on Thursday morning that I'd forgotten to watch American Idol this week.

  • Doing my hair really pretty this morning and then walking outside to have it drenched by heaps of white, wet, gobs of snow falling from the sky.

  • Realizing that Starbuck's White Berryblossom Tea is not caffeine-free.

  • Eating the last bit of leftover curry from last Friday's dinner, meaning that five meals later, I might have to cook something again.

  • Every moment that led to turning in my 'churched' essay was a low point. The writing process is really horrible sometimes. Okay, all the time.

  • Only having three girls in Junior High girls' at Youth Group on Wednesday. I have no idea where the other fifteen went, and I missed them.

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