Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Grief is odd.

Grief is odd...because it never affects the parts of your life that it seems like it should...

...for instance.... Over the Rhine is in Bellingham and Seattle this weekend, and I'm on the verge of tears! Why? Because I CAN'T GO!

I'll be out of town, and I'm nearly in tears that one of my favorite bands in THE ENTIRE WORLD is going to be here, and I will not be.

So I'm melodramatic? Maybe--but I'm also rational. I can recognize that missing a concert is not going to make my world come crashing down, and there's certainly much bigger stuff going on in the world and even in my own life...and my campus is still grieving and Laura VanRyn is still in a coma...so...there are still big prayers to be had.

Somehow, though, when life gets overwhelming...it's not the big stuff that weighs me down like work, life, and five members of the Taylor community stripped away: it's the little stuff. i.e. missing an Over the Rhine concert, spilling paint on my housemate's white carpet, losing my keys again, and getting in a fight with MS Publisher. These small things somehow cause me to lose my mind...

Life is odd...grief is odd.

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