Friday, May 26, 2006


Beginning July 1st, I'll be moving into a new ministry role with Youth Dynamics: Communications Director. I'm excited about the opportunity to use my God-given talents and giftings in a ministry area. My key responsibilities will be to manage our corporate publications and website, to teach and train our staff to grow in their communication skills, and to visioneer and direct the presentation of our public personae as a ministry.

I stood in front of my church in Arlington last weekend, telling them about the new position, and I said, "It's like God made a cardboard cut-out of a way to serve him, and I was standing in front of the space, realizing that the space was a me-shaped hole." I am so blessed by the opportunity to use writing and speaking and empowering as my key job descriptors.

I already have an office space prepared in our Administrative office, which I'm currently working out of one day each week. (It's a 25 minute drive from Arlington, so I'm not planning to move.)

Yesterday, I was sitting in my space, hashing through some Communications details, and it dawned on me that I could write and submit articles about our ministry to national publications. I was astounded at the realization, because I have been growing in my desire to submit writings for publication throughout this year, and I have neglected to make it a priority. Suddenly, I realized that I could take this thing that I love and easily build it into my day job! I was floored, and I grinned that God knows our hearts so well that he provides for us even better than we imagine he can.

So, as of July 1st, the blog will take on a new tone--as I wade through a new position that's not on the front-end of youth ministry daily. I hope that you will continue to read through my journey of discovering who it is that God has designed me to be.


Jenna St.Hilaire said...

You bet we'll keep reading! That job sounds like a great role for you. Can't wait to hear how it goes :)

Jessica Dearly Loved said...

I just read your newsletter update today from the mail. It sounds like God is putting you in the position that fits your gifts and desires perfectly! I can so see you doing that job. Even from this blog I can tell you love communications and writing. I know you will use that to the glory of God and also continue in your heart for the ministry to youth. Jessica