Friday, October 07, 2005

Caramel Apple Cider.

It's dreary and dark lately, meaning that for the next 2 1/2 months, it will only get drearier and darker.

Since I was feeling dreary and dark enough to match the day, I combated it with a Caramel Apple Cider from Starbuck's. For whatever reason, today, I was a bit repulsed by the Caramel Apple Cider. They are soooo sweet! It's very sad when a dependable autumn upper does not taste good.

Tonight, I am taking two students down to Seattle for a bit of shopping in the University District and maybe a late-night Pink Floyd or Beatles laser Light Show. Pray for us...

1 comment:

Jessica Dearly Loved said...

Yum! Hey, it was great to find your page and to take some ideas off it. I have lots to learn from you!

Imagine how dark it gets for you. We, on the equator, have sunlight at 5am and it is accompanied by roosters crowing.

Keep posting! It's great to hear from you!