Saturday, June 19, 2004

Would Arundhati Roy watch Dawson's Creek?

I don't really know the answer to that question. This morning, however, I have decided to hop in the car and drive downtown to the Coshocton Public Library to check out Arundhati Roy's The God of the Small Things, per the advice of Miss Hannah (the supreme editor of my "Books to Read in the Near Future" List.) The point is, it is a Saturday's a bad time to make phone calls...i am the only person home today, and Dawson's Creek reruns are not on, meaning I have no excuse NOT to read a good book.

Plus, I'm wondering if in the grand scheme of things, the hours spent watching reruns of Dawson's Creek will really mean anything. Certainly watching the relational dynamic between the love triangle of Dawson, Joey, and Pacey causes me to remember and reflect on my own high school summers spent sailing across the Atlantic with the town bad boy while my best friend made independent films to assuage his pain. But surely when this world fades, I need to face the fact that Dawson's Creek may not remain standing--and perhaps, just perhaps, I should dedicate my life to something a bit more meaningful. Does that mean I should stop watching reruns of Friends too?


Anonymous said...

By no means should one cease to watch Friends. The relational dynamics are highly reality based and thought provoking. Doesn't everyone in NYC have 5 best friends, live in the same block, and go on trips everywhere together. Despite the sarcasm, DON'T STOP WATCHING FRIENDS. I am offended that you lump it with Dawson's Creek.

hmb said...
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hmb said...

okay, i will back up and say that "Friends" really is quite different from "Dawson's Creek." There is a huge difference in quality there (which I could base solely on the fact that I would purchase or rent "Friends" on DVD, but I would feel horribly ashamed and embarrassed to do the same for "Dawson's Creek"). But still--they both fall into the category of watching TELEVISION when I could read God of Small Things...but that does not necessarily mean I will stop watching "Friends", because, well, it's darn funny...and "Dawson's Creek" is melodramatic and really never funny...PLUS, James Van Der Beek has a very large head, and that annoys me.

hannah faith said...

I don't know what Arundhati Roy watches, but at least she listens to the Rolling Stones (it's in the book). Oh, and she's not a man.