Wednesday, June 23, 2004

the waiting.

today it feels like the waiting to reach 100% is harder than actually reaching it. every month throughout the support-raising process, there is a quiet week. a week when i question my goals, question my motives, and question my calling. apparently THIS is that week. a week when the progress is quiet, the communication is quiet, and God himself is quiet. i know everyday that God's promise will be fulfilled, but i still often doubt the when. when i doubt the when, then i become discouraged, and when i become discouraged, then i return to the Lord in fervent prayer...and he always provides some small means of encouragement...a small hook, if you will, to pull me to the next day.

it's so hard when everyone asks me when because the answer they ask is the #1 answer i want to know myself and the #1 answer i cannot provide.

today i pray for a small bit of encouragement to keep my eyes steady on the goal. it's Mile-Marker 18 of my Marathon...and i'm tired.

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