Wednesday, September 28, 2005


Yesterday at an AHS lunch table, we were talking about people looking younger than they are. I asked a few girls if they thought I could pass for a high school student, and they said yes. To prove my point, I imitated a very high schoolish voice and said something irrelevant like, "I can't believe Jenny is going out with Tommy. Eugh. She sits next to me in Spanish, and she's always talking about him like it's some big deal." I then turned back to the girls and said, "How was that." They say, "'s a bit too early 90's. You sound like you're starring in Clueless."

"But I was in high school when Clueless came out." They just smiled and nodded and said, "Yeah, we were in the third grade"...and suddenly I sensed a looming generation gap.


Anonymous said...

Did this "high schooler voice" happen to be high pitched and a bit like another voice that you make fun of on occasion? Just curious....

hmb said...

no. this voice resembles the spoken vocal parts at the beginning of 'baby got back.' "o. my. gosh. becky."

the high-pitched voice is reserved solely for imitations of friends who work full-time at licensing bureaus.