Monday, November 23, 2009

Daily Bread

As it turns out, I'm becoming passionate about food.

Sometimes I forget.

I forget mostly when there's no time to plan meals or cook. When we're running weekend after weekend and there is no available time in which to contemplate soaking beans overnight or throwing some ingredients in the bread maker.

Thanksgiving has reminded me that I have a passion I have forgotten about during a hectic last few months. In preparation for Thursday, when I will make some cornbread stuffing and pumpkin pie, I have been scouring my archives and the internet in search of recipes that embody the things that I value: natural ingredients, whole foods, locally grown ingredients. So my pumpkin pie will use an actual pumpkin that was grown a mile from my house. The flour to bake the bread to make the stuffing was ground just 45 miles away in Bellingham. There will be no sign of Crisco or canned, pre-packaged anything in the ingredients for these dishes.

It's not ever an easy choice to buy natural and buy local when there's a sea of cheaper, artificial foods from all over the globe staring at us in the grocery aisles. It's not easier to bake a pumpkin pie from scratch or bake the bread that will later be transformed into stuffing. There's nothing easy or quick about it. It's slow food. And now, two hours after returning home from our Thanksgiving shopping trip, I sit at the computer exhausted, but satisfied, that creations have been made in my kitchen tonight. I meditate on how Jesus asks us to pray, "Give us this day our daily bread," as tomorrow's bread bakes in the oven. I know I am reliant on the Lord for the flour, water, yeast and oil he provided to make my daily bread.

My creation continually connects me to my Creator. I think that's part of why I'm so passionate about whole foods. You can't look at a pumpkin without knowing it came from the ground, and without further thinking, as you wipe away the dirt, that a divine creator must have gifted you this very pumpkin. He must have set the circumstances in place for it to grow. He must have specially designed the taste to be appealing to us, and furthermore, he must have designed this appealing-tasting food to be nourishing to us. And then I think, "Man, our Creator must really love us to create fuel for us that's incredible to taste. Our Creator must really love us if he wants us to experience pleasure when we're refueling."

This Thanksgiving, I'm thankful for something very simple...something that God was probably thanked for at the very first Thanksgiving. I'm thankful for the gift of food. I'm thankful that God loves us so much that our food isn't brown and's orange and round with a little bow on's small and red and bounces when you drop it on the counter. Sometimes we forget that the very food we eat is an amazing, incredible gift.


wren said...

Yup - like that super-amazing BSG-inspired engagement dinner. So, you definitely cooked something amazing a little over six weeks ago.

Just sayin'.

hannah faith said...

I'm thankful that you shared that baked oatmeal recipe with me! I've passed it on to several friends...