Friday, October 03, 2008

Small Town Coffee Date

Tonight, I asked my husband out for a coffee date. It went kind of like this:

"You want to go with me to Starbucks for a little bit and read?"
"Not really."
"What about just to get a coffee and come home?"
"Not really."
"I actually wasn't asking...I was actually saying, 'Please come with me to Starbucks for a little date.'"
"Oh--well in that case, I would love to."

It's amazing how I can look at my husband and suggest that he want to do something and wait for him to want to do it, instead of saying, "Please do this with me, because it would mean a lot."

So we went to Starbucks, and I read about the first century Christian church...while Clay read Jesus for President by Shane Claiborne. One of my former YD girls was there. I hadn't seen her for about a year--and I was so happy to see her.

Probably one of my favorite time periods in my life ever was back in the day when Renee and I would make pilgrimages to The Jumping Bean in Taylor's student union...grab a booth...and spend the night studying, talking with passersby and drinking coffee. For a few minutes tonight, I embraced a past-life I have loved, and I am very happy to be returning to coffee shops to study. I feel like school is already helping me to become more of myself...


wren said...

did you pass notes back and forth? because that might complete the pilgrimage...

i'm going to go study in a coffee shop this afternoon!

suz said...

I'm not sure if I miss studying or not (some days I long to go back to school, others I'm so glad I haven't gone that route yet), but I definitely have lots of fond memories of time spent in the Union with a Northwest Berry Mocha from the Jumping Bean, harnessing the ambient distractions to make me focus...with periodic interuptions from Allison and various passers-by. And people I didn't know very well calling me Renee. :) Yeah, those were the days.