Tuesday, February 15, 2005


*Ring Ring, Ring Ring*
jamie: hello?
heather: hello is jamie there?
jamie: this is her.
heather: hi! it's heather! what's up? how was your weekend?
jamie: it was good. how was yours?
heather: great! am I going to see you at Bible study tonight?
jamie: oh, are we having it tonight?
heather: yes, why wouldn't we be?
jamie: oh, because it's valentine's day and all.
heather: (to self: valentine's day?! since when is valentine's day a national holiday? since when do we have to cancel our lives because hallmark and hershey's got together and created a national day of dividing the world into two distinct categories of 'people in love' and 'people who are not currently in love but feel forced to spend a whole day despising people who are because of a deep-hearted insecurity that they are, in fact, un-loved? and NOW, they have successfully convinced my high school girls that they either have to spend their entire DAY pining or swooning over some silly high school crush which has little or nothing to do with love anyways. geesh. ')
heather: (to jamie) yes of course we are! i even made a cheesecake from SCRATCH just for you because it's valentine's day!
jamie: cool! see ya!


Anonymous said...

I feel your pain--I could hardly walk around in my room on Mon. without stepping on stuffed animals and flowers or being blinded by the expensive jewelry that my MIDDLE SCHOOL students were receiving from their "boyfriends"...of two weeks! :-) What a day!

Drewser said...

I would like to note that Valentine's Day, while certainly not a day to be worshiped like it is, is at least based on a real person which thereby seperates it from many of the Hallmark Holidays (though I'm still a fan of "Dress like a pirate" day). Ironically, it's so commercialized now that it seems to have even brought down the Hallmark website...and it's 3 days later. Don't ask me what this has to do with commemorating a guy's death...