Thursday, October 14, 2004

Wednesdays at AFM

My Wednesday evenings, for now, are spent most regularly at the Arlington Free Methodist Youth Group, called "E.G.P." (Experiencing God Project). I'm not a regular volunteer--I just show up to watch the 16-year-old girls (and one brave 12-year-old boy) play Dance Dance Revolution, and then I hang out with them during small group and worship time. I guess I go to Youth Group to continue meeting kids with whom I could eventually share the gospel--and that might seem odd--since it's in a church. BUT, out of the 70 or so kids in this youth group, maybe 10-20 of them are committed Christians. So for now, it's just another way for me to continue to meet and build relationships with kids in Arlington.

Last night, I ended up having three specifically good conversations with kids that I would title "fringe kids." It was very difficult to break through the shells of all three of these kids, but at the same time, they were three of the most amazingly rewarding conversations I've had with kids so far this year.

One of these kids, who had been ignoring me for the first five minutes of our "conversation" ended up talking to me a little about small stuff. After the main message, she all of a sudden turns to me and says, "You know, I don't think I'll really understand what it was like for God to sacrifice his only son until I'm a mother. Then I will really have a better idea of what it means to sacrifice something that means that much to you."

I told her what a great insight that was, and how that we probably will learn more about God's love after we have kids--and then I also added, "Please remember this all important order though: (1) husband, (2) kids." She laughed. I didn't laugh back--my list of "kids I work with who are significantly at-risk for being teen moms" is rapidly growing. Pray for them.

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